the cost of
climate change
This is an exhibition catalog to be featured in DesignInquiry’s Currency exhibition which focused on alternative currencies. While the exhibition was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid-19, this book was still completed. Its focus is on how indigenous Alaskans, specifically Inupiat communities, are having to change from a subsistence lifestyle that relies on community resources to purchasing goods with formal currency due to the impact that climate change has had on their local environment. The cover for this book was printed at the Texas State RISO Print Studio with Christina Nguyen.

Content Breakdown
This catalog is comprised of photography from Hans Glick and Joe Raedle along with an essay by Joe McCarthy titled Climate Refugees: How a Tiny Alaska Town is Fighting Displacement. When tasked with the prompt of alternative currency, I chose to look into traditional alternative currencies being lost to a modern problem like climate change. There is a definite need for education on how the changing climate is directly hurting people, especially marginalized peoples who lack the means to stop or affect this global crisis. This catalog is intended to educate and bring to light commonly ignored effects of climate change. These indigenous communities have been ignored by formal government and now they are being forced to ask for help due to the ignorance systems of power hold towards climate issues. Through a collection of photos and a story about real people, this exhibition catalog can help bring humanity into the climate change problem.